Charlotte Tilbury

To celebrate the Lunar New Year & the Year of the Rabbit, Atom were tasked with creating a 3D animated character.

Charlotte Tilbury approached Atom to create the CGI animated rabbit to be featured in their latest advertising campaign.

To start the project off, the Charlotte Tilbury art department defined how they imagined the rabbit would look like and the qualities it would embody. It needed to look cute but also strong and celestial.

Once the look was defined, we began creating concept art and explored different proportions. Then, we started looking at the colour, style and ways we could give the rabbit a celestial-like treatment.

After that, we worked with the client to create the 3D version of the rabbit. Then, we created style frames. Instead of a photorealistic style, we worked with the team at Charlotte Tilbury to create a graphical style that would work in 3D.

Before we could start animating, the 3D character was then rigged. We created blocked in versions of each shot before creating the final polished animation.

Finally, we then textured, lit, rendered and composited the shots for the in-house team at Charlotte Tilbury to use in their edit. 

Atom Studio

Producer: Carla Shaw
Director: Chris Shaw
Concept Character Artist: Lucy Hirst
Modelling & Rigging: NIck Tietzsch-Tyler
Character Animation: Ben Simpkins

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